Alternatives to Game Master IPTV

I was able to login yesterday and pay my invoice, but the site is now down. Do you know when it will be back up?
Nobody's being 'left out' webpages go down all the time. Then they come back up.
Right now I am using ApolloTvGroup,The service has been working excellent for me,I always keep more than one service, I was using this with GameMaster,unable to use GM now as I had lost my password and they never responded back to a password reset so I have been using AflexTv as my other service,AflexTv has really been working excellent as well, Quite impressed with it,No buffer issues at all,Tons of local channels with back local channels,Huge movie and 24/7section and Series section plus catch up section as well,Very good EPG,It is a bit more on the expensive side but everything in it Really does work excellent,To me it's worth it to pay a little extra to get a service where everything in it really does work well.
yes Husham which service do you recommend because as far as i see there isn't any options in this in alternate forum. good thing I had time joined the service you said is spamming and have not regret making this move.
yes Husham which service do you recommend because as far as i see there isn't any options in this in alternate forum. good thing I had time joined the service you said is spamming and have not regret making this move.
WOW now that is quite a coincidence for just having joined yesterday too!
Really need that Husham recommendation. I'm trying Venom TV tonight. They have their own app, hopefully it's not dogshit. I'll try to remember to post back a report.
Moved on from Lame Master and their rude customer support. I went to Vstreams tv, VOD, 24/7, series and discord support that isn’t rude


Does Vstreams tv have an "active" epg up and running so you can see exactly what is coming on Live TV? Like the name of a TV program...etc.
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