No..there isn’t an ETA for the maintenance to be done. That’s the million $$ question we all want to know the answer to.Is there an estimated eta or just when it's back up it will work again?
No..there isn’t an ETA for the maintenance to be done. That’s the million $$ question we all want to know the answer to.Is there an estimated eta or just when it's back up it will work again?
I think they would try and get it running hopefully by Super Bowl kickoffNo..there isn’t an ETA for the maintenance to be done. That’s the million $$ question we all want to know the answer to.
Me too! I know they are working continuously on it to do so.I think they would try and get it running hopefully by Super Bowl kickoff
They have been pretty good.honestly..hardly ever a disruption in serviceMe too! I know they are working continuously on it to do so.
Except for the EPG on and off issues..up until lately..yes they have. They are making a bunch of changes all at once. It’s a lot of work. The new website does look nice tho..doesn’t it?They have been pretty good.honestly..hardly ever a disruption in service
What new website?Except for the EPG on and off issues..up until lately..yes they have. They are making a bunch of changes all at once. It’s a lot of work. The new website does look nice tho..doesn’t it?
As long as you trust them...Ill wait it out...Ive had them for a couple good to changeExcept for the EPG on and off issues..up until lately..yes they have. They are making a bunch of changes all at once. It’s a lot of work. The new website does look nice tho..doesn’t it?
If you try to go to the Gamers website you have been using to pay your invoice, you will be redirected to the new website.What new website?
Yes..that’s the new website..which is also down at the present time. Lots of maintenance going on everywhere with the service right now.I get this:
Down for Maintenance (Err 3)
All outages will be resolved shortly Massive hardware failure
Isn’t that the truth?!! The website was probably getting flooded with tickets causing more issues on top of what they are already dealing with. You only have so many people at your disposal at one time. Getting the service back is the #1 priority right now. The error message on the website says what the issue is.Please don’t go too hard on them. I think they are working to the best of their ability to get things up and running. I’ve had them for quite a while and overall their service has been very good. I can relate to what they must be going thru as I’ve been a network administrator and let me tell you it’s nerve racking when things aren’t working right and users start to jam the phone lines.
Oh here we go!! Let’s see how many guesses we get on this one..should be funny!What PDS stand for ?
Oh here we go!! Let’s see how many guesses we get on this one..should be funny!
PDS | Product Disclosure Statement |
PDS | Product Data Sheet |
PDS | Parti Démocratique Sénégalais (French: Senegalese Democratic Party) |
PDS | Planetary Data System (NASA) |
PDS | IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems |
PDS | Public Distribution System (India) |
PDS | Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety (journal) |
PDS | Professional Development School |
PDS | Professional Development System |
PDS | Partitioned Data Set |
PDS | Printer Data Stream (IBM) |
PDS | Parkinson's Disease Society (UK) |
PDS | Panzer Dragoon Saga (role-playing video game) |
PDS | Personal Data Sheet |
PDS | Princeton Day School (Princeton, NJ) |
PDS | Pacific Dental Services (Irvine, CA) |
PDS | Partai Damai Sejahtera (Indonesian: Prosperous Peace Party) |
PDS | Pendred Syndrome |
PDS | Pretty Damn Smart |
PDS | Partei des Demokratischen Sozialismus (German: Party of Democratic Socialism) |
PDS | Product Design Specification |
PDS | Permanent Duty Station |
PDS | Personnel Demonstration Project |
PDS | Public Defender Service (various locations) |
PDS | Particularly Dangerous Situation (US NWS) |
PDS | Persistent Developmental Stuttering |
PDS | Posttraumatic Diagnostic Scale (health measurement) |
PDS | Precision Drive System (vehicles) |
PDS | Predictive Dialing System (various companies) |
PDS | Pioneer Drama Service (Englewood, CO) |
PDS | Professional Development Series |
PDS | Packet Driver Solution |
PDS | Powered Devices |
PDS | Ping Discovery Service |
PDS | Printable Data Sheet |
PDS | Personal Document Station |
PDS | Print Device Subsystem |
PDS | Personnel Development Solutions |
PDS | Portable Document Software |
PDS | Parallel Data Structure |
PDS | Personal Data Sharing |
PDS | Packet Dial String |
PDS | Portable Display Shell |
PDS | Parallel Data Systems |
PDS | Planetary Data System |
PDS | Personal Data Service |
PDS | Position Determining System (US DoD) |
PDS | Postpartum Depression Symptom |
PDS | Passive Detection System |
PDS | Plant Design System (Intergraph) |
PDS | Polynomial Dynamical System |
PDS | Personnel Data System |
PDS | Perimeter Defense System (gaming, RA2) |
PDS | Personal Development Skills (various organizations) |
PDS | Professional Driving School (various locations) |
PDS | Power Delivery System |
PDS | Product Development System (PTC) |
PDS | Preliminary Data Sheet (various organizations) |
PDS | Public Domain Software |
PDS | Power Distribution System |
PDS | Projected Dynamical System (mathematics) |
PDS | Processor Direct Slot |
PDS | Professional Development Seminar |
PDS | Pinnacle Data Systems (various locations) |
PDS | Private Debt Securities |
PDS | Performance Development System |
PDS | Senegalese Democratic Party (Senegal) |
PDS | Performance Database Server |
PDS | Premises Distribution System |
PDS | Professional Development Scheme (UK) |
PDS | Partido Democrático Social (Portuguese: Social Democratic Party; Brazil) |
PDS | Psi Delta Sigma (sorority; est. 1921) |
PDS | Protected Distribution System |
PDS | Providence Day School (Charlotte, NC) |
PDS | Packet Driver Specification |
PDS | Professional Data Systems (various locations) |
PDS | Pharmaceutical Development Service (various locations) |
PDS | Please Don't Shout |
PDS | Professional Development Specialists (various locations) |
PDS | Pallet Design System |
PDS | Philippine Dermatological Society |
PDS | Photothermal Deflection Spectroscopy |
PDS | Painting, Drawing and Sculpture (various schools) |
PDS | Pigment Dispersion Syndrome (eye disorder) |
PDS | Power Distribution Subsystem |
PDS | Pacific Development Services (Tuscon, AZ) |
PDS | Post Design Services |
PDS | Phone Directory Service (Michigan) |
PDS | Potentially Dilutive Securities (finance) |
PDS | Procesamiento Digital de Señales |
PDS | Product Discharge System |
PDS | Publications Distribution Service (Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation) |
PDS | Public Disclosure System |
PDS | Partito dei Democratici di Sinistra (Italian: Left Democratic Party) |
PDS | Primary Distribution Site (US DoD) |
PDS | Photoduplication Service (Library of Congress) |
PDS | Planning and Development Secretariat |
PDS | Programa de Desarrollo Sostenible (Guatemala) |
PDS | Production Data Set |
PDS | Proactive Disclosure Service |
PDS | Physical Delivery System |
PDS | Process Data Sheet |
PDS | Project Drafting Specification |
PDS | Pålitelighet og tilgjengelighet av Datamaskinbaserte Sikringssystemer (Norwegian: Reliability and Availability of Computerized Safety Systems) |
PDS | Paroxysmal Depolarization Shift |
PDS | Print and Document Services (OfficeMax) |
PDS | Personnel Data Sheet |
PDS | Personnel Decontamination Station |
PDS | Phase-Diverse Speckle (image restoration algorithms) |
PDS | Paintball Detection System |
PDS | Problem Descriptor System |
PDS | Pre Delivery Service |
PDS | Previously Developed Software |
PDS | Protective Distribution System |
PDS | Paid During Service |
PDS | Pittsburgh Diffraction Society |
PDS | Precision Drill Squad |
PDS | Program Data Source |
PDS | Power Demand Signal |
PDS | Pacific Datacom Systems, Inc. |
PDS | Personnel Daily Summary |
PDS | Provincial Development Strategy (Iraq) |
PDS | Post Deployment Support |
PDS | Powerline Detection System (helicopters) |
PDS | Physical Delivery Service |
PDS | Polidioxanone |
PDS | Peabody Demonstration School (Nashville, Tennessee) |
PDS | Project Design Standards |
PDS | Project Development Service |
PDS | Program Design Specification |
PDS | Primary Data Server |
PDS | Practice Dangerous to Security |
PDS | Program Distribution System |
PDS | Democratic Senegalese Party (Senegal) |
PDS | Post Delivery Support |
PDS | Product Development Section |
PDS | Project Design Specifications |
PDS | Product Development Schedule |
PDS | Processing & Display System |
PDS | Photodischarge Spectroscopy |
PDS | Pulse Doppler Search |
PDS | Professional Development Suite |
PDS | Personal Decision Series |
PDS | Provider Development and Support |
PDS | Product Design Standards |
PDS | Peyronie's Disease Society |
PDS | Pink Death Syndicate (gaming clan) |
PDS | Personnel Development Seminar |
PDS | Phase Dithering Sequence |
PDS | Program Data Sheet |
PDS | Power Diet Shoe |
PDS | Power Distribution Switchboard |
PDS | Prevent Significant Deterioration (terminology relating to air quality) |
PDS | Primary Data Stager (mainframes) |
PDS | Primary Development Service/Agency |
PDS | Private Distribution System |
PDS | Partial Donor Scale |
PDS | Personal Deployment System (web design & administration) |
PDS | Project Development Submittal |
PDS | Procurement Documentation Set |
PDS | Planning Design Sketch |
PDS | Platform Delivery System |
PDS | Pretty Damned Sexy |
PDS | Plan/Program Development System |
PDS | Program Decision Summary |
PDS | Proportional Differential Services |
PDS | Platform Deck Switch |
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