Games Masters IPTV

Thanks for the updates! I appreciate being able to come here to find out what's going on! Patience is the word of the day 😀
Thank you @Raven11 - It's why we're here.
I just don't understand why they would do this on the day of the Superbowl.
They're anti-footballers. That's all. It's just another conspiracy.
System back up, so your precious less than super bowl may remain in your future folks.
It's times like this when I notice how often I use the 24/7 feature. Subscriptions to three different services, an antenna for broadcast channels and a cabinet full of DVDs, but at any given time, my TV may be running Britcoms from the 1970s. 🤷‍♀️
I hear ya there! It’s my “go to” when I can’t find anything else on to watch. 😉
Read somewhere that the worst scenario for these services is the 24/7 channels. That seems to get the distributers, studios and producers most upset. I do know my other services have stopped showing them. Maybe this is the swan song on gamers.
It’s usually the VOD that they go after 1st. That’s why many providers have eliminated the VOD Movies and Series. Copyright issues.
Master's Up
Yes, all seems good. Looks like there might have been an outage an hour and a half ago, but it appears everything's back including 24/7s. Seems the only thing missing is catch up right now.
Looks like I spoke too soon and it's down.
And....I went to pay my invoice and the portal's down too.
Going to be one of those days perhaps.
My channels are working but can’t access portal, odd.
Yes, the service is back .. Likewise went to pay my invoice and the portal down. Figures.