Hello. Can I please get the app info or whatever I need to get it working again? Thank youI thought I already DM’d you but I’ll send it again
Hello. Can I please get the app info or whatever I need to get it working again? Thank youI thought I already DM’d you but I’ll send it again
Ok! Sorry..I apologize! I thought you already had the app. I’ll DM you now.I don’t have the link. Can you please dm it? Thanks
DM sentDM me the Link...please...I tried xciptv app...does not even let me sign in. Sure strange it me and only one other person using SIPTV app who cannot get channels to Play. I have cleared cache, I have re-booted Model....I was watching channels fine until yesterday...and I am paid up thru 3/10/23
There is no new url atm. None of the urls are working. I can DM you a download link for Gamers SIPTV app. Most channels in there are working for US.If there is a new URL, please let me know... My service is has been down
Hi Scotty! For the most part..the SIPTV app is working. No Canadian channels yet tho..sorry! I’ll DM you a link for it.
Can some one send me or post link to siptv app. ThanksYes. I’ll DM you the download link
Gamers threw a hissy fit awhile back and said that no information regarding any part..especially websites and server urls..were to be publicly posted on this forum. Husham and I spent days going thru threads deleting stuff. I don’t want to have to do it again. I’d rather just abide by their wishes and DM everyone so we stay on good terms. Trust me..it would be sooo much easier the other way! Tempting! Besides..the link I’m giving out is my own personal link.I already have the downloader code, but why is it such a big secret that it just can’t be posted on the forum.
It’s just an app. You can’t do anything with it anyway unless you have login information for PDS.
Seems like it would save a lot of trouble to just post the code. Is there some kind of reason it has to be done throughout DM?
Sure!Hi, may I have the link too? Thanks
Sure!Can you please DM me the link?