♛IPTV 20000 ch ♛Ultra HD 4K 150 channels 25 € - 1 year each


Staff member
Hey Friends ,
today i want to introduce my IPTV Service . Why Choose me ?!Simple ,i provide you the best Service in SD/HD/FHD & 4K ULTRA HD.
Best Channels -> supporting of all devices for using IPTV accounts !
Best Setups -> the best choice is the variety of channels with the best quality !
Best Quality -> experience the best quality and price with me !
Excellent support -> fast support and response to your request and instant delivery !

UHD 4K channels list: 4K channels
Afghanistan |Africa | Albania | Arab Countries | Armenia | Australia | Austria | Azerbaijan | Belgium | Brazil | Bulgaria | Canada | China | Czech Republic | Denmark | Ex-Yu | Finland | France | Germany | Greece | Hungary | India | Indonesia | Iran | Israel | Italia | Japan | Korea | Kurdistan
Latin America | Lithuania | Macedonia | Malaysia | Malta | Netherlands | Norway | Pakistan | Philippines | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Russian
Scandinavian | Singapore | Slovenia | Spain | Sweden | Switzerland | Thailand | Turkey | United Kingdom | United States |USA + VIP |
VIP Sports
and many more..

Over 20.000+ channels in SD/HD/FHD + Ultra HD 4K package channels
Premium Channels
All Devices Support
TV Guide (EPG)
Instant Delivery
Support 24/365
99.9% Uptime
Free Update
+ Over 5000 International Vod's
No freeze
No any block from during line matches
Accept all devices.

full server price - 25 euro for year
6 month - 18 euro
3 month - 10 euro
1 month - 4 euro

*who use paypal - all prices will be more expensive

contact us:
telegram @u0p25
Bastyon u0p25

Jabber XMPP wqzf777@exploit.im
Email wqzf777@dnmx.su (low priority, answer time long)

Last edited:
Best Channels -> supporting of all devices for using IPTV accounts !
Best Setups -> the best choice is the variety of channels with the best quality !
Best Quality -> experience the best quality and price with me !
Excellent support -> fast support and response to your request and instant delivery !

Afghanistan |Africa | Albania | Arab Countries | Armenia | Australia | Austria | Azerbaijan | Belgium | Brazil | Bulgaria | Canada | China | Czech Republic | Denmark | Ex-Yu | Finland | France | Germany | Greece | Hungary | India | Indonesia | Iran | Israel | Italia | Japan | Korea | Kurdistan
Latin America | Lithuania | Macedonia | Malaysia | Malta | Netherlands | Norway | Pakistan | Philippines | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Russian
Scandinavian | Singapore | Slovenia | Spain | Sweden | Switzerland | Thailand | Turkey | United Kingdom | United States |USA + VIP |
VIP Sports
and many more..

Over 20.000+ channels in SD/HD/FHD + Ultra HD 4K package more 150 channels
Premium Channels
All Devices Support
TV Guide (EPG)
Instant Delivery
Support 24/365
99.9% Uptime
Free Update
+ Over 5000 International Vod's
No freeze
No any block from during line matches
Accept all devices.

full server price - 25 euro for year
6 month - 18 euro
3 month - 10 euro
1 month - 4 euro

for resellers with more 50 users - 20 euro for year
for resellers with more 100 users - 15 euro for year

*who use crypto (btc, usdt) - all prices will be off on 15%

contact us:
telegram @u0p25
Bastyon u0p25
more info in our Telegram group:
Last edited:
Best Channels -> supporting of all devices for using IPTV accounts !
Best Setups -> the best choice is the variety of channels with the best quality !
Best Quality -> experience the best quality and price with me !
Excellent support -> fast support and response to your request and instant delivery !

Afghanistan |Africa | Albania | Arab Countries | Armenia | Australia | Austria | Azerbaijan | Belgium | Brazil | Bulgaria | Canada | China | Czech Republic | Denmark | Ex-Yu | Finland | France | Germany | Greece | Hungary | India | Indonesia | Iran | Israel | Italia | Japan | Korea | Kurdistan
Latin America | Lithuania | Macedonia | Malaysia | Malta | Netherlands | Norway | Pakistan | Philippines | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Russian
Scandinavian | Singapore | Slovenia | Spain | Sweden | Switzerland | Thailand | Turkey | United Kingdom | United States |USA + VIP |
VIP Sports
and many more..

Over 20.000+ channels in SD/HD/FHD & 4K ULTRA HD
Premium Channels
All Devices Support
TV Guide (EPG)
Instant Delivery
Support 24/365
99.9% Uptime
Free Update
+ Over 5000 International Vod's
No freeze
No any block from during line matches
Accept all devices.

full server price - 25 euro for year
6 month - 18 euro
3 month - 10 euro
1 month - 4 euro

for resellers with more 50 users - 20 euro for year
for resellers with more 100 users - 15 euro for year

email: sat8s8star@gmail.com
whatsapp +37256075291
telegram @u0p25

♛▓▙Largest 𝕀ℙ𝕋𝕍 server▟▓♛
Last edited:
Best Channels -> supporting of all devices for using IPTV accounts !
Best Setups -> the best choice is the variety of channels with the best quality !
Best Quality -> experience the best quality and price with me !
Excellent support -> fast support and response to your request and instant delivery !

Afghanistan |Africa | Albania | Arab Countries | Armenia | Australia | Austria | Azerbaijan | Belgium | Brazil | Bulgaria | Canada | China | Czech Republic | Denmark | Ex-Yu | Finland | France | Germany | Greece | Hungary | India | Indonesia | Iran | Israel | Italia | Japan | Korea | Kurdistan
Latin America | Lithuania | Macedonia | Malaysia | Malta | Netherlands | Norway | Pakistan | Philippines | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Russian
Scandinavian | Singapore | Slovenia | Spain | Sweden | Switzerland | Thailand | Turkey | United Kingdom | United States |USA + VIP |
VIP Sports
and many more..

Over 20.000+ channels in SD/HD/FHD & 4K ULTRA HD
Premium Channels
All Devices Support
TV Guide (EPG)
Instant Delivery
Support 24/365
99.9% Uptime
Free Update
+ Over 5000 International Vod's
No freeze
No any block from during line matches
Accept all devices.

full server price - 25 euro for year
6 month - 18 euro
3 month - 10 euro
1 month - 4 euro

for resellers with more 50 users - 20 euro for year
for resellers with more 100 users - 15 euro for year

email: sat8s8star@gmail.com
whatsapp +37256075291
telegram @u0p25

♛▓▙Largest 𝕀ℙ𝕋𝕍 server▟▓♛
Last edited:
Best Channels -> supporting of all devices for using IPTV accounts !
Best Setups -> the best choice is the variety of channels with the best quality !
Best Quality -> experience the best quality and price with me !
Excellent support -> fast support and response to your request and instant delivery !

Afghanistan |Africa | Albania | Arab Countries | Armenia | Australia | Austria | Azerbaijan | Belgium | Brazil | Bulgaria | Canada | China | Czech Republic | Denmark | Ex-Yu | Finland | France | Germany | Greece | Hungary | India | Indonesia | Iran | Israel | Italia | Japan | Korea | Kurdistan
Latin America | Lithuania | Macedonia | Malaysia | Malta | Netherlands | Norway | Pakistan | Philippines | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Russian
Scandinavian | Singapore | Slovenia | Spain | Sweden | Switzerland | Thailand | Turkey | United Kingdom | United States |USA + VIP |
VIP Sports
and many more..

Over 20.000+ channels in SD/HD/FHD & 4K ULTRA HD
Premium Channels
All Devices Support
TV Guide (EPG)
Instant Delivery
Support 24/365
99.9% Uptime
Free Update
+ Over 5000 International Vod's
No freeze
No any block from during line matches
Accept all devices.

full server price - 25 euro for year
6 month - 18 euro
3 month - 10 euro
1 month - 4 euro

for resellers with more 50 users - 20 euro for year
for resellers with more 100 users - 15 euro for year

email: sat8s8star@gmail.com
whatsapp +37256075291
telegram @u0p25

♛▓▙Largest 𝕀ℙ𝕋𝕍 server▟▓♛
Last edited:
Best Channels -> supporting of all devices for using IPTV accounts !
Best Setups -> the best choice is the variety of channels with the best quality !
Best Quality -> experience the best quality and price with me !
Excellent support -> fast support and response to your request and instant delivery !

Afghanistan |Africa | Albania | Arab Countries | Armenia | Australia | Austria | Azerbaijan | Belgium | Brazil | Bulgaria | Canada | China | Czech Republic | Denmark | Ex-Yu | Finland | France | Germany | Greece | Hungary | India | Indonesia | Iran | Israel | Italia | Japan | Korea | Kurdistan
Latin America | Lithuania | Macedonia | Malaysia | Malta | Netherlands | Norway | Pakistan | Philippines | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Russian
Scandinavian | Singapore | Slovenia | Spain | Sweden | Switzerland | Thailand | Turkey | United Kingdom | United States |USA + VIP |
VIP Sports
and many more..

Over 20.000+ channels in SD/HD/FHD & 4K ULTRA HD
Premium Channels
All Devices Support
TV Guide (EPG)
Instant Delivery
Support 24/365
99.9% Uptime
Free Update
+ Over 5000 International Vod's
No freeze
No any block from during line matches
Accept all devices.

full server price - 25 euro for year
6 month - 18 euro
3 month - 10 euro
1 month - 4 euro

for resellers with more 50 users - 20 euro for year
for resellers with more 100 users - 15 euro for year

email: sat8s8star@gmail.com
whatsapp +37256075291
telegram @u0p25

♛▓▙Largest 𝕀ℙ𝕋𝕍 server▟▓♛
Last edited:
Best Channels -> supporting of all devices for using IPTV accounts !
Best Setups -> the best choice is the variety of channels with the best quality !
Best Quality -> experience the best quality and price with me !
Excellent support -> fast support and response to your request and instant delivery !

Afghanistan |Africa | Albania | Arab Countries | Armenia | Australia | Austria | Azerbaijan | Belgium | Brazil | Bulgaria | Canada | China | Czech Republic | Denmark | Ex-Yu | Finland | France | Germany | Greece | Hungary | India | Indonesia | Iran | Israel | Italia | Japan | Korea | Kurdistan
Latin America | Lithuania | Macedonia | Malaysia | Malta | Netherlands | Norway | Pakistan | Philippines | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Russian
Scandinavian | Singapore | Slovenia | Spain | Sweden | Switzerland | Thailand | Turkey | United Kingdom | United States |USA + VIP |
VIP Sports
and many more..

Over 20.000+ channels in SD/HD/FHD & 4K ULTRA HD
Premium Channels
All Devices Support
TV Guide (EPG)
Instant Delivery
Support 24/365
99.9% Uptime
Free Update
+ Over 5000 International Vod's
No freeze
No any block from during line matches
Accept all devices.

full server price - 25 euro for year
6 month - 18 euro
3 month - 10 euro
1 month - 4 euro

for resellers with more 50 users - 20 euro for year
for resellers with more 100 users - 15 euro for year

email: sat8s8star@gmail.com
whatsapp +37256075291
telegram @u0p25

♛▓▙Largest 𝕀ℙ𝕋𝕍 server▟▓♛
Last edited:
Best Channels -> supporting of all devices for using IPTV accounts !
Best Setups -> the best choice is the variety of channels with the best quality !
Best Quality -> experience the best quality and price with me !
Excellent support -> fast support and response to your request and instant delivery !

Afghanistan |Africa | Albania | Arab Countries | Armenia | Australia | Austria | Azerbaijan | Belgium | Brazil | Bulgaria | Canada | China | Czech Republic | Denmark | Ex-Yu | Finland | France | Germany | Greece | Hungary | India | Indonesia | Iran | Israel | Italia | Japan | Korea | Kurdistan
Latin America | Lithuania | Macedonia | Malaysia | Malta | Netherlands | Norway | Pakistan | Philippines | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Russian
Scandinavian | Singapore | Slovenia | Spain | Sweden | Switzerland | Thailand | Turkey | United Kingdom | United States |USA + VIP |
VIP Sports
and many more..

Over 20.000+ channels in SD/HD/FHD & 4K ULTRA HD
Premium Channels
All Devices Support
TV Guide (EPG)
Instant Delivery
Support 24/365
99.9% Uptime
Free Update
+ Over 5000 International Vod's
No freeze
No any block from during line matches
Accept all devices.

full server price - 25 euro for year
6 month - 18 euro
3 month - 10 euro
1 month - 4 euro

for resellers with more 50 users - 20 euro for year
for resellers with more 100 users - 15 euro for year

email: sat8s8star@gmail.com
whatsapp +37256075291
telegram @u0p25

♛▓▙Largest 𝕀ℙ𝕋𝕍 server▟▓♛
Salut les amis ,
Aujourd'hui, je veux vous présenter mon service IPTV. Pourquoi me choisir ?! Simple, je vous offre le meilleur service en SD/HD/FHD et 4K ULTRA HD.
Meilleures chaînes -> prise en charge de tous les appareils pour l'utilisation de comptes IPTV !
Meilleures configurations -> le meilleur choix est la variété des canaux avec la meilleure qualité !
Meilleure qualité -> découvrez la meilleure qualité et le meilleur prix avec moi !
Excellent support -> support rapide et réponse à votre demande et livraison instantanée !

Afghanistan |Afrique | Albanie | Pays arabes | Arménie | Australie | Autriche | Azerbaïdjan | Belgique | Brésil | Bulgarie | Canada | Chine | République tchèque | Danemark | Ex-Yu | Finlande | France | Allemagne | Grèce | Hongrie | Inde | Indonésie | L'Iran | Israël | Italie | Japon | Corée | Kurdistan
Amérique latine | Lituanie | Macédoine | Malaisie | Malte | Pays-Bas | Norvège | Pakistan | Philippines | Pologne | Portugal | Roumanie | russe
scandinave | Singapour | Slovénie | Espagne | Suède | Suisse | Thaïlande | Turquie | Royaume-Uni | États-Unis |États-Unis + VIP |
Sport VIP
et beaucoup plus..

Plus de 20 000 chaînes en SD/HD/FHD et 4K ULTRA HD
Chaînes Premium
Prise en charge de tous les appareils
Guide TV (EPG)
Livraison instantanée
Assistance 24/365
99,9 % de disponibilité
Mise à jour gratuite
+ Plus de 5000 Vod internationales
Pas de gel
Pas de blocage pendant les matchs de ligne
Acceptez tous les appareils.

prix du serveur complet - 25 euros pour l'année
6 mois - 18 euros
3 mois - 10 euros
1 mois - 4 euros

pour les revendeurs avec plus de 50 utilisateurs - 20 euros par an
pour les revendeurs avec plus de 100 utilisateurs - 15 euros par an

email: sat8s8star@gmail.com
WhatsApp +37256075291
télégramme @u0p25

groupe :
♛▓▙Le plus grand 𝕀ℙ𝕋𝕍 serveur▟▓♛
bonjour possible un essai merci..
Best Channels -> supporting of all devices for using IPTV accounts !
Best Setups -> the best choice is the variety of channels with the best quality !
Best Quality -> experience the best quality and price with me !
Excellent support -> fast support and response to your request and instant delivery !

Afghanistan |Africa | Albania | Arab Countries | Armenia | Australia | Austria | Azerbaijan | Belgium | Brazil | Bulgaria | Canada | China | Czech Republic | Denmark | Ex-Yu | Finland | France | Germany | Greece | Hungary | India | Indonesia | Iran | Israel | Italia | Japan | Korea | Kurdistan
Latin America | Lithuania | Macedonia | Malaysia | Malta | Netherlands | Norway | Pakistan | Philippines | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Russian
Scandinavian | Singapore | Slovenia | Spain | Sweden | Switzerland | Thailand | Turkey | United Kingdom | United States |USA + VIP |
VIP Sports
and many more..

Over 20.000+ channels in SD/HD/FHD & 4K ULTRA HD
Premium Channels
All Devices Support
TV Guide (EPG)
Instant Delivery
Support 24/365
99.9% Uptime
Free Update
+ Over 5000 International Vod's
No freeze
No any block from during line matches
Accept all devices.

full server price - 25 euro for year
6 month - 18 euro
3 month - 10 euro
1 month - 4 euro

for resellers with more 50 users - 20 euro for year
for resellers with more 100 users - 15 euro for year

email: sat8s8star@gmail.com
whatsapp +37256075291
telegram @u0p25

♛▓▙Largest 𝕀ℙ𝕋𝕍 server▟▓♛
Best Channels -> supporting of all devices for using IPTV accounts !
Best Setups -> the best choice is the variety of channels with the best quality !
Best Quality -> experience the best quality and price with me !
Excellent support -> fast support and response to your request and instant delivery !

Afghanistan |Africa | Albania | Arab Countries | Armenia | Australia | Austria | Azerbaijan | Belgium | Brazil | Bulgaria | Canada | China | Czech Republic | Denmark | Ex-Yu | Finland | France | Germany | Greece | Hungary | India | Indonesia | Iran | Israel | Italia | Japan | Korea | Kurdistan
Latin America | Lithuania | Macedonia | Malaysia | Malta | Netherlands | Norway | Pakistan | Philippines | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Russian
Scandinavian | Singapore | Slovenia | Spain | Sweden | Switzerland | Thailand | Turkey | United Kingdom | United States |USA + VIP |
VIP Sports
and many more..

Over 20.000+ channels in SD/HD/FHD & 4K ULTRA HD
Premium Channels
All Devices Support
TV Guide (EPG)
Instant Delivery
Support 24/365
99.9% Uptime
Free Update
+ Over 5000 International Vod's
No freeze
No any block from during line matches
Accept all devices.

full server price - 25 euro for year
6 month - 18 euro
3 month - 10 euro
1 month - 4 euro

for resellers with more 50 users - 20 euro for year
for resellers with more 100 users - 15 euro for year

email: sat8s8star@gmail.com
whatsapp +37256075291
telegram @u0p25

♛▓▙Largest 𝕀ℙ𝕋𝕍 server▟▓♛
Best Channels -> supporting of all devices for using IPTV accounts !
Best Setups -> the best choice is the variety of channels with the best quality !
Best Quality -> experience the best quality and price with me !
Excellent support -> fast support and response to your request and instant delivery !

Afghanistan |Africa | Albania | Arab Countries | Armenia | Australia | Austria | Azerbaijan | Belgium | Brazil | Bulgaria | Canada | China | Czech Republic | Denmark | Ex-Yu | Finland | France | Germany | Greece | Hungary | India | Indonesia | Iran | Israel | Italia | Japan | Korea | Kurdistan
Latin America | Lithuania | Macedonia | Malaysia | Malta | Netherlands | Norway | Pakistan | Philippines | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Russian
Scandinavian | Singapore | Slovenia | Spain | Sweden | Switzerland | Thailand | Turkey | United Kingdom | United States |USA + VIP |
VIP Sports
and many more..

Over 20.000+ channels in SD/HD/FHD & 4K ULTRA HD
Premium Channels
All Devices Support
TV Guide (EPG)
Instant Delivery
Support 24/365
99.9% Uptime
Free Update
+ Over 5000 International Vod's
No freeze
No any block from during line matches
Accept all devices.

full server price - 25 euro for year
6 month - 18 euro
3 month - 10 euro
1 month - 4 euro

for resellers with more 50 users - 20 euro for year
for resellers with more 100 users - 15 euro for year

email: sat8s8star@gmail.com
whatsapp +37256075291
telegram @u0p25

♛▓▙Largest 𝕀ℙ𝕋𝕍 server▟▓♛
Best Channels -> supporting of all devices for using IPTV accounts !
Best Setups -> the best choice is the variety of channels with the best quality !
Best Quality -> experience the best quality and price with me !
Excellent support -> fast support and response to your request and instant delivery !

Afghanistan |Africa | Albania | Arab Countries | Armenia | Australia | Austria | Azerbaijan | Belgium | Brazil | Bulgaria | Canada | China | Czech Republic | Denmark | Ex-Yu | Finland | France | Germany | Greece | Hungary | India | Indonesia | Iran | Israel | Italia | Japan | Korea | Kurdistan
Latin America | Lithuania | Macedonia | Malaysia | Malta | Netherlands | Norway | Pakistan | Philippines | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Russian
Scandinavian | Singapore | Slovenia | Spain | Sweden | Switzerland | Thailand | Turkey | United Kingdom | United States |USA + VIP |
VIP Sports
and many more..

Over 20.000+ channels in SD/HD/FHD & 4K ULTRA HD
Premium Channels
All Devices Support
TV Guide (EPG)
Instant Delivery
Support 24/365
99.9% Uptime
Free Update
+ Over 5000 International Vod's
No freeze
No any block from during line matches
Accept all devices.

full server price - 25 euro for year
6 month - 18 euro
3 month - 10 euro
1 month - 4 euro

for resellers with more 50 users - 20 euro for year
for resellers with more 100 users - 15 euro for year

email: sat8s8star@gmail.com
whatsapp +37256075291
telegram @u0p25

♛▓▙Largest 𝕀ℙ𝕋𝕍 server▟▓♛
Best Channels -> supporting of all devices for using IPTV accounts !
Best Setups -> the best choice is the variety of channels with the best quality !
Best Quality -> experience the best quality and price with me !
Excellent support -> fast support and response to your request and instant delivery !

Afghanistan |Africa | Albania | Arab Countries | Armenia | Australia | Austria | Azerbaijan | Belgium | Brazil | Bulgaria | Canada | China | Czech Republic | Denmark | Ex-Yu | Finland | France | Germany | Greece | Hungary | India | Indonesia | Iran | Israel | Italia | Japan | Korea | Kurdistan
Latin America | Lithuania | Macedonia | Malaysia | Malta | Netherlands | Norway | Pakistan | Philippines | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Russian
Scandinavian | Singapore | Slovenia | Spain | Sweden | Switzerland | Thailand | Turkey | United Kingdom | United States |USA + VIP |
VIP Sports
and many more..

Over 20.000+ channels in SD/HD/FHD & 4K ULTRA HD
Premium Channels
All Devices Support
TV Guide (EPG)
Instant Delivery
Support 24/365
99.9% Uptime
Free Update
+ Over 5000 International Vod's
No freeze
No any block from during line matches
Accept all devices.

full server price - 25 euro for year
6 month - 18 euro
3 month - 10 euro
1 month - 4 euro

for resellers with more 50 users - 20 euro for year
for resellers with more 100 users - 15 euro for year

email: sat8s8star@gmail.com
whatsapp +37256075291
telegram @u0p25

♛▓▙Largest 𝕀ℙ𝕋𝕍 server▟▓♛
Best Channels -> supporting of all devices for using IPTV accounts !
Best Setups -> the best choice is the variety of channels with the best quality !
Best Quality -> experience the best quality and price with me !
Excellent support -> fast support and response to your request and instant delivery !

Afghanistan |Africa | Albania | Arab Countries | Armenia | Australia | Austria | Azerbaijan | Belgium | Brazil | Bulgaria | Canada | China | Czech Republic | Denmark | Ex-Yu | Finland | France | Germany | Greece | Hungary | India | Indonesia | Iran | Israel | Italia | Japan | Korea | Kurdistan
Latin America | Lithuania | Macedonia | Malaysia | Malta | Netherlands | Norway | Pakistan | Philippines | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Russian
Scandinavian | Singapore | Slovenia | Spain | Sweden | Switzerland | Thailand | Turkey | United Kingdom | United States |USA + VIP |
VIP Sports
and many more..

Over 20.000+ channels in SD/HD/FHD & 4K ULTRA HD
Premium Channels
All Devices Support
TV Guide (EPG)
Instant Delivery
Support 24/365
99.9% Uptime
Free Update
+ Over 5000 International Vod's
No freeze
No any block from during line matches
Accept all devices.

full server price - 25 euro for year
6 month - 18 euro
3 month - 10 euro
1 month - 4 euro

for resellers with more 50 users - 20 euro for year
for resellers with more 100 users - 15 euro for year

email: sat8s8star@gmail.com
whatsapp +37256075291
telegram @u0p25

♛▓▙Largest 𝕀ℙ𝕋𝕍 server▟▓♛
Best Channels -> supporting of all devices for using IPTV accounts !
Best Setups -> the best choice is the variety of channels with the best quality !
Best Quality -> experience the best quality and price with me !
Excellent support -> fast support and response to your request and instant delivery !

Afghanistan |Africa | Albania | Arab Countries | Armenia | Australia | Austria | Azerbaijan | Belgium | Brazil | Bulgaria | Canada | China | Czech Republic | Denmark | Ex-Yu | Finland | France | Germany | Greece | Hungary | India | Indonesia | Iran | Israel | Italia | Japan | Korea | Kurdistan
Latin America | Lithuania | Macedonia | Malaysia | Malta | Netherlands | Norway | Pakistan | Philippines | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Russian
Scandinavian | Singapore | Slovenia | Spain | Sweden | Switzerland | Thailand | Turkey | United Kingdom | United States |USA + VIP |
VIP Sports
and many more..

Over 20.000+ channels in SD/HD/FHD & 4K ULTRA HD
Premium Channels
All Devices Support
TV Guide (EPG)
Instant Delivery
Support 24/365
99.9% Uptime
Free Update
+ Over 5000 International Vod's
No freeze
No any block from during line matches
Accept all devices.

full server price - 25 euro for year
6 month - 18 euro
3 month - 10 euro
1 month - 4 euro

for resellers with more 50 users - 20 euro for year
for resellers with more 100 users - 15 euro for year

email: sat8s8star@gmail.com
whatsapp +37256075291
telegram @u0p25

♛▓▙Largest 𝕀ℙ𝕋𝕍 server▟▓♛
Best Channels -> supporting of all devices for using IPTV accounts !
Best Setups -> the best choice is the variety of channels with the best quality !
Best Quality -> experience the best quality and price with me !
Excellent support -> fast support and response to your request and instant delivery !

Afghanistan |Africa | Albania | Arab Countries | Armenia | Australia | Austria | Azerbaijan | Belgium | Brazil | Bulgaria | Canada | China | Czech Republic | Denmark | Ex-Yu | Finland | France | Germany | Greece | Hungary | India | Indonesia | Iran | Israel | Italia | Japan | Korea | Kurdistan
Latin America | Lithuania | Macedonia | Malaysia | Malta | Netherlands | Norway | Pakistan | Philippines | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Russian
Scandinavian | Singapore | Slovenia | Spain | Sweden | Switzerland | Thailand | Turkey | United Kingdom | United States |USA + VIP |
VIP Sports
and many more..

Over 20.000+ channels in SD/HD/FHD + Ultra HD 4K package more 150 channels
Premium Channels
All Devices Support
TV Guide (EPG)
Instant Delivery
Support 24/365
99.9% Uptime
Free Update
+ Over 5000 International Vod's
No freeze
No any block from during line matches
Accept all devices.

full server price - 25 euro for year
6 month - 18 euro
3 month - 10 euro
1 month - 4 euro

for resellers with more 50 users - 20 euro for year
for resellers with more 100 users - 15 euro for year

*who use crypto (btc, usdt) - all prices will be off on 15%

email: sat8s8star@gmail.com
telegram @u0p25

♛▓▙Largest 𝕀ℙ𝕋𝕍 server▟▓♛
Best Channels -> supporting of all devices for using IPTV accounts !
Best Setups -> the best choice is the variety of channels with the best quality !
Best Quality -> experience the best quality and price with me !
Excellent support -> fast support and response to your request and instant delivery !

Afghanistan |Africa | Albania | Arab Countries | Armenia | Australia | Austria | Azerbaijan | Belgium | Brazil | Bulgaria | Canada | China | Czech Republic | Denmark | Ex-Yu | Finland | France | Germany | Greece | Hungary | India | Indonesia | Iran | Israel | Italia | Japan | Korea | Kurdistan
Latin America | Lithuania | Macedonia | Malaysia | Malta | Netherlands | Norway | Pakistan | Philippines | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Russian
Scandinavian | Singapore | Slovenia | Spain | Sweden | Switzerland | Thailand | Turkey | United Kingdom | United States |USA + VIP |
VIP Sports
and many more..

Over 20.000+ channels in SD/HD/FHD + Ultra HD 4K package more 150 channels
Premium Channels
All Devices Support
TV Guide (EPG)
Instant Delivery
Support 24/365
99.9% Uptime
Free Update
+ Over 5000 International Vod's
No freeze
No any block from during line matches
Accept all devices.

full server price - 25 euro for year
6 month - 18 euro
3 month - 10 euro
1 month - 4 euro

for resellers with more 50 users - 20 euro for year
for resellers with more 100 users - 15 euro for year

*who use crypto (btc, usdt) - all prices will be off on 15%

email: sat8s8star@gmail.com
telegram @u0p25

♛▓▙Largest 𝕀ℙ𝕋𝕍 server▟▓♛