Website to Download APK's

Some time back Crystal was a contributor to this site. Crystal provided me with Her APK store Applinked.Store. In this store she maintained current versions\clean\Ad Free APK's. Using this Link in Firestick Downloader a site opens but either:
1) its still Crystal's site with a Brand new Look...and I doubt it is because accessing Crystals' site you had to Enter a Code to get into the site
2) someone else is using the Link Applinked.Store

I did read in another Post that no one has seen Crystal in this Forms for many months...making it appear she is no longer a contributor to this forum. Crystal APK were always Ad Free whereas other sites for same APK's contained Ads.....

** Can any one confirm if the current Applinked.Store is still Crtystals' Store?
** Can anyone provide a site where Current/Clean/AD Free APK's like Cinema HD, BeeTV. Tea TV to name a few APK's can be downloaded to Amazon Firesticks?