Most North American Channels down

We have 2 accounts (1 older, 1 much newer, different users/passwords/invoices) in the house. The one my parents use is missing most Canadian channels and most cable channels. The major American networks are mostly working. There's is the newer account. Just about every channel I tried on the older account worked. My parents have 3 tvs and Android boxes, they all have some variation of the same issue. I power cycled their main box, cleared the cache, changed the server name to match mine (I have changed mine through various outages before) and even finally entered my user name and password. Still didn't work. I unplugged the ethernet and tried wifi. I changed the MAC address to the alternate (our Android boxes show default, alternate and custom) and that didn't work either. It's now my bedtime so I will try my functioning box tomorrow (we share the same internet connection in the house, I am wireless, they are wired) but if anyone has any other ideas, we open to trying them!
Seems this morning all channels were functioning fine
Now the same channels have gone AWOL
Same. Very oddly (to us, maybe obvious to others) we have 3 models of Formuler Android boxes. The Z8, Z8 Pro and Z11 Pro Max, all using MyTvOnline, the 8s are on MTVO2 and the 11s are on MTVO3. Of 6 boxes I have tested, ONE has almost all channels functional. The 11 that was in my office (on wifi.) Our living room (11), our bedroom (8) and all 3 of my parent's tvs (8 pros) have various levels of AWOL channels. For us most U.S. major network channels are working (we didn't test all of them, but we tested many), a few cable channels and that's about it. Almost no major Canadian network channels are working, and most cable channels are down. I gave up at nearly midnight Eastern last night and by this morning my parents said it was working. Mid afternoon they were down again. My husband has opened a ticket but hasn't gotten email confirmation that it was received, so maybe it's more widespread than we know.
As of 8am eastern, all channels in all categories are working fine. Usually monthly maintenance does interfere sometimes, network connections are important. Vpn also helps.
As of 8am eastern, all channels in all categories are working fine. Usually monthly maintenance does interfere sometimes, network connections are important. Vpn also helps.
I understand the maintenance part..but it’s been happening every evening about the same time usually back in the morning
Have yous done your own maintenance to the sticks/android devices? Regular maintenance does help also. Force stop, clear cache and restart device. The cache storage, when overloaded can cause laggy, buffer also.
Have yous done your own maintenance to the sticks/android devices? Regular maintenance does help also. Force stop, clear cache and restart device. The cache storage, when overloaded can cause laggy, buffer also.
Actually I do regularly clean my apps
But this is specific channels that are going down ..I use the Canadian channels and they go down early evening and are usually back in the morning
Have yous done your own maintenance to the sticks/android devices? Regular maintenance does help also. Force stop, clear cache and restart device. The cache storage, when overloaded can cause laggy, buffer also.
Yes, and I detailed everything I did in a post above. Maintenance on my end or Gamers doesn't explain the daily up and down. In my case, we have 6 Android boxes, 3 different models and 5/6 have the issue Rhonda mentions, one doesn't. We also have 2 accounts with Gamers, there is no rhyme or reason to it. We also opened a ticket and haven't had any response, even the automated one. I don't think clearing the cache is going to solve the problem of most channels not functioning. It's not a lag or buffering issue, it's most channels (as mentioned by Rhonda and myself) having a black screen.