How do I report a channel that keeps bufferinf

None of the other channels are buffering except for this one channel, not sure if I can say which channel
Are you still having issues with that 1 channel? If so, please let us know which one so we can check it out for you. Thanks!
I need some help! I am experiencing extreme just started happening last night. I thought it was from my IPTV provider gamers

but I contacted them,and they said it's not from their end. I don't know what else to do! I am NOT tech savvy so I really need

step-by-step instructions please! I can't watch any of my channels for New Year's Eve without that freezing/buffering.

Is there another APP I can use...I am currently using the XCIPTV App... but maybe I need another App.

Can someone give me "exact" instructions and how to access another App please....I am so upset right now!

Anybody....please help me. Everything was working okay until last night! I just don't understand why I'm all of a sudden dealing with

extreme's so annoying and frustrating..thanks for ANY help!
Are you still having issues with that 1 channel? If so, please let us know which one so we can check it out for you. Thanks!
Yes it is UK ITV channel it is terrible, I would say all others are good, but today a lot are buffering for some reason, but this channel is always the same
Yes it is UK ITV channel it is terrible, I would say all others are good, but today a lot are buffering for some reason, but this channel is always the same
I checked the ITV channels for you. None buffered for me. There are 5 of them..can you be more specific on which one?
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