Games Masters IPTV

new poster so hope am doing this right. Also unable to get into Gmaster - app opens on fire stick but no channels, just keeps churning, web site down for support - is there a new download, access route? thanks in advance. - Please note I am a non technical person - downloader is my saviour.
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You should be able to load it on as many devices you like. Only limitations is when you run those devices concurrently with same login info. Limit to how many connections you purchased.
Have you tried to set you account up under the +Xtream Codes, these uses the same set-up as Gmaster
I'm obviously down too. It cant refresh anything new as it usually does for a new day, if I click out it will show all the channels but nothing plays. Can I too get the url info?
My subscription expires in 5 days. What are they going to do to renew? I got an e-mail but as everyone knows, the website is also down.