FloSports EPG


New member
Good evening,

I usually watch FloSports when nothing else is on and recently the EPG isn't showing any events. I know there are some going on. I've tried force stopping my player and clearing cache, and I know I have the right server and port. Any tips?
Good evening,

I usually watch FloSports when nothing else is on and recently the EPG isn't showing any events. I know there are some going on. I've tried force stopping my player and clearing cache, and I know I have the right server and port. Any tips?
I’m getting info on my guide in TiviMate:


Have you tried clearing cache in your device’s Settings as well as in your app then updating the EPG in your app? Which app are you using?
I use TiviMate on my Fire stick and IPTV Smarters on my phone. It was Smarters that was having the trouble but it seems to be working now!
Awesome! Just a fluke then. Shit happens 😉
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