While using WhatsApp constantly. And mostly to help users. I don't discus anything bad and I don't sell anything else apart from my own hardware and give advise on warranty.
WhatsApp send me the message to close my account

I think this Olympic in Paris got the WhatsApp auto close script mad.
I run allot of auto scripts my self. But I manually delete or block or even do anything bad to a user. That way I don't get any throwbacks.
WhatsApp turning everything to automatically close, is a bad idea to say the least
At least I can chat to my friends in my forum. But there always been some elderly customers that will not like change and try time and time again to reach me in WhatsApp only.
WhatsApp did become more than just a message platform and I think in my opinion, we gave it too much credits.
You see once you got blocked. There is nothing you can do to reach your people
Even if you have backup. I backup daily and still was not able to access my full customer based.
Even the Google backup is not something I can download to edit.
Because Facebook or WhatsApp team got Thier deals with Google, and Google in Thier infamous mins, gave WhatsApp too much power too.
I give you now the option to know about this and maybe share to me and to the rest of the world. What better platform is there for me and everyone else that might need it.
I understand the need to protect again terror or something bad.
But It is outrageous that we gave so much power to WhatsApp or a single social media platform. And it orders around like this.
After all. Our SMS or text messages in our phones doesn't tell us I blocked you from sending text messages and go get another SIM card.
Our phones don't tell us. Hey man. You are a suspicious person.
I'm turning my self off and you guys buy new phones.
Although I don't see that not happening soon.
So prepare for the day that your phone says. Your banned to making calls or playing candy crush games.
Because your phone. Or your tech smart device says. I don't like the he way you look. So screw you, this phone is banned. Go buy new one.
Stuff happens I guess
Let's see if people can share what platform is best alternatives for WhatsApp or other social media platforms.
WhatsApp send me the message to close my account

I think this Olympic in Paris got the WhatsApp auto close script mad.
I run allot of auto scripts my self. But I manually delete or block or even do anything bad to a user. That way I don't get any throwbacks.
WhatsApp turning everything to automatically close, is a bad idea to say the least
At least I can chat to my friends in my forum. But there always been some elderly customers that will not like change and try time and time again to reach me in WhatsApp only.
WhatsApp did become more than just a message platform and I think in my opinion, we gave it too much credits.
You see once you got blocked. There is nothing you can do to reach your people
Even if you have backup. I backup daily and still was not able to access my full customer based.
Even the Google backup is not something I can download to edit.
Because Facebook or WhatsApp team got Thier deals with Google, and Google in Thier infamous mins, gave WhatsApp too much power too.
I give you now the option to know about this and maybe share to me and to the rest of the world. What better platform is there for me and everyone else that might need it.
I understand the need to protect again terror or something bad.
But It is outrageous that we gave so much power to WhatsApp or a single social media platform. And it orders around like this.
After all. Our SMS or text messages in our phones doesn't tell us I blocked you from sending text messages and go get another SIM card.
Our phones don't tell us. Hey man. You are a suspicious person.
I'm turning my self off and you guys buy new phones.
Although I don't see that not happening soon.
So prepare for the day that your phone says. Your banned to making calls or playing candy crush games.
Because your phone. Or your tech smart device says. I don't like the he way you look. So screw you, this phone is banned. Go buy new one.
Stuff happens I guess
Let's see if people can share what platform is best alternatives for WhatsApp or other social media platforms.
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