BeeTV and CinemaHD Issues

I am using BeeTV and CinemaHD AD Free Apps that I downloaded\Installed from a site that had been created by a Prior Moderator ...Crystal on Amazon Firesticks. Prior to installing these 2 Apps from Crystals' site...the Apps were full of advertising...her downloaded apps...No Ads. Crystal as I have read...left this site and her Dowmload App site was also closed...she was a terrific contributor and wish that she was still here...

The Ad Free BeeTV and CineamaHD apps...they display TV Program and Movies Icons of old programming and New/Current...But no longer populate Links. Shows that I am trying to watch are shows that have aired on Live TV months ago...6 to 8 weeks ago. BeeTV used to have TV series shows with links 24 to 48 hours after they aired.

Have the Broadcasters started to use technology to BLOCK the access by these therefore they are no longer going to play up todate TV programing?

Or, are my Ad Free BeeTV and CinemaHD longer able to populate Links...their versions outdated, etc?

Installed Versions; BeeTV 3.5.7\CinemaHD 2.5.1 MOD

If I uninstall and Install these 2 Apps with current versions...that may contain ads, the Links show links will populate...what is the most current Version of CinemaHD?
Cinema HD v3.4.1\BeeTV v4.1.0
I have seen you post a few times about this and I would be willing to help you out.
Do you still use AppLinked?
I assume you already use these apps with a Debrid service?
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Of late I have used any sites to download my best answer would be no...

And ti show how uneducated I am ...since I do not know what Debrid Service is I would have to write I am not using such a service....

I do think I know, CinemaHD...I have the MOD version installed and have read...the app version will not Update running MOD...but nit sure if I should delete it...and install another version. Basically both BeeTV and CinemaHD have not been populating active Links especially on newer shows......

Appreaciate help....don't know if I uninstall BeeTV and CinemaHD...and install newer versions, and for that matter, from what site...I will see these 2 apps offering more Links.....
Have you used the Downloader app before? Trying to figure out how you intend to install the app on your Firestick.

I do not want to get off topic, but simply a Debrid service would give you more quality links within the app.
Yes, I have used the Downloader app to install all my Apps on my Firestick. The app is installed on the stick.

For now my goal would be to get installs of BeeTv and CinemaHD....maybe without all the ads....but not a requirement...that populate Links. As I wrote, I have the CinemaHD MOD version installed and I have read that version will not Update and therefore maybe the reason I am noticing few to no links populating...although I do tend to use BeeTv More than CinemaHD....
Thank you for your is really appreciated.....

Uninstalled my version of stop, Clear Data and clear cache...uninstalled .

Opened downloader, used code provided saw 3 apps..BeeTV, CineMaHD and FilmPlus...selected installed. After intall completed clicked DELETE\ delete longer needed files. Icon displays "CinemaHD - Stable", version 3.4.1 in APPLICAION menu (However the Icon that displays on Firestick Home page shows 2.5.1 AF+NFU MOD). When I Launch will not displays a screen CINEMAHD...than goes back to Firestick Home page..... So I Uninstalled CinemaHD as described here to be sure it truly uninstalled...and did see Cinema on the Homepage and in the Applications...was gone. I then RESTARTED the Firestick.

I then Re-installed CinemaHD using dowwnloader and your Code...again it showed CinemaHD in Applications as 3.4.1-Stable....but the Home page Icon shows 2.5.1. No matter, it still would not Launch.

I went to the Permission setting for Cinema......selected "Files and Media...ALLOW"...App still would not Launch.

I await your further advices...before going forward with replacing BeeTV....
Went to MY FIRE TV...Device type...Fire TV Stick (3rd Gen) Not sure what (pendent shaped)...means...

I clicked..check for Updates...shows current

Uninstalled CinemaHD...the one installed from 5208958. Used in installed CinemaHD - Beta version 3.4.1. It Launched ADS seen but only tried a few shows that I had tried on my 2.5.1 that never populated Links...and the 3.4.1 - Beta did popluate links that played. The BETA concerns me...since that has always meant the version is still in Testing....

Await your further advices; thanks Still have not tried BeeTV install from the 5208958
If that version of CinemaHD is working for you I see no reason to change it. The fact that it is beta is irrelevant, worst case you have to go back to that link and get a new version, assuming they have updated it.

I removed CinemaHD on mine (5208958) since it is not working for you. Still welcome to try that version of Bee, and FlixVision is just another app like the two you have been using.

Edit: Added an official stable version of CinemaHD
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Thank you for all your help...its appreciated. The Lonks that are populating in the CinemaHD App..they are links\names I have never seen in my prior Cinema Installs...and the 1080 Links are awesome....
2 weeks and the 3.4.1 Beta version is running great...I have yet not to get links as what was happening in the prior 2.5.1 version.....

The BeeTV version in your Downloader 5208958...what version is it and it is Add free? I ask because my providing few to no Links but I would not want to delete it to install another version unless that version was a newer version and Ad Free.....
2 weeks and the 3.4.1 Beta version is running great...I have yet not to get links as what was happening in the prior 2.5.1 version.....

The BeeTV version in your Downloader 5208958...what version is it and it is Add free? I ask because my providing few to no Links but I would not want to delete it to install another version unless that version was a newer version and Ad Free.....
v4.1.1 and it is ad free.
It must be me....I installed opens goes as far as populating wise none I have seen before....I try just flashes and none play. I tried 3 different TV shows I watched...with 3.4.1...none would Play. Guess I now need to go look for another link to download and Install BeeTV and hopes it will be Ad free.

I was researching Links to install linked mentioned BeeTV needed HB or NV(recommeded) Players and actually provided links to install the players. My prior BeeTV must have played back using an Internal\Built-in Player because I have never had either HB or NZ Players installed on my Firestick. So maybe for 4.1.1 from your site...I will need to Install HB or NV Player??????

Asked and answered....I installed BeeTV using your Link....installed just NV Player....links played...BUT...ADS that are difficult to get out of. I may try the HB Player but have read that Ads in BeeTV were not from BeeTV, they were from the I suspect..HB will also play with Ads.....

Uninstalled NV Player, installed HB Player.....went to same link I used when NV Player was installed....when I slected Link...popup opened to Install NV Player. Checked under menu to make HB Player as default.

So in summary....your BeeTV link...plays Links only after NV Player is installed...but then you are facing Ads. Running you links install with HB Player...Popup opens to Install NV Player...which again...runs lots of Ads.

So right now after uninstalling my 3.4.1 BeeTV and not getting another BeeTV Installed thats Ad free...I have no BeeTV..... Hopefully there is a Link to get an Ad free BeeTV....
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Thank You....I just don't get how to get and install Stremio. Its like you install Stemio...which is nothing more than an apk that then lets you download and Install apk's that do the same as BeeTV and Cinema. I tried to do it once before and just was too dumb to do it. perhaps if there were detailed step by Step install..I can follow directions that are clear...this might be doable for me.

My Cinema has yet to disappoint include 1080 links...with great Viewing....

I do not doubt you that Stemio is better than BeeTV\ have used them both and can write Stemio is better...I just didn't have the right details to get it installed and then what apks to select.... Thanks