Be warned and be careful


Staff member
A lot of the new apks popping up on Google on a whole bunch of different app stores or actually apps made and designed by the FCC and the FBI to register your service provider not you in mind not the end user but they put bit Source codes of information into the m3u line or the API code and track it back to your provider and then from there on it's several months before your provider gets shut down this is why we created our own application and there's no Earl to put in and it's API extreme full version all you do is put in a username and password and that's it and it's our application there's no way that it can be tracked or toyed with because it's all encrypted by us a lot of these new applications are tools for the FCC the FBI CIA and all other parties involved in shutting down IPTV paid for and sponsored by Hollywood Netflix Hulu as well as Amazon Prime they are all working hard to shutdown your providers so do yourself a favour as well as your provider of favour and stick with the apps that you know that work well they're tried-and-true and been proven to work for you for the past 5 years so stick with those yes these new apps coming out look beautiful and wonderful and they do amazing things and so it looks so exciting and you want to get it well I'm here to tell you stay away from it unless you want issues cheers have a nice day
Same thing is happening for all the movie streaming apps out there like BTV Hollywood TV HD movies all the movie apps they're all being tracked back to the servers that the movies are coming from every time you update them to the newest version so if possible try not to update every time a new update appears sometimes it'll update ask you to updated two and three times in a week I know some of you might think this is just hearsay or whatever but my tech crew that works for me some of them work for Google some of them work for Netflix some of them work for Microsoft and everything I'm telling you is chatter that they've been hearing and things that their companies are working on so it's basically water cooler talk but it's coming from a good source stay vigilant that's if you're an IPTV user my service has nothing to do with IPTV so basically I have no worries.


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Here's an example ask to update 9 times in 3 days it's been compromise and I will no longer be using this application come on give me a break who the hell needs to update their service nine times in three days
Remember with the coronavirus going on the way it is right now Hollywood it shut down not able to make movies as well as every other major movie Maker in North America so what does that leave them with what better time to work on security protocols and try to stop or put a stop to copyright infringement as well as streaming companies who are streaming their services without paying for them don't be fooled don't fall into the trap stay vigilant
My personal belief is find yourself a provider that you're happy with myself or any other provider doesn't really matter and then stick with that provider and if you want a backup don't compromise yourself by getting another IPTV as your backup why don't you just subscribe to Prime videos all your needs and packages and purchases you will get delivered with a free 2-day service and then you have access to all their movies their music their songs everything for just ten bucks a month easy cheap fast and you're keeping the man happy you know what I mean I have a Netflix account and Amazon account of Hulu account and no matter what this witch-hunt will always keep going on until they win make them happy subscribe to one of the three and find yourself a good IPTV provider and Kate's quotes everybody wins everybody's happy cheers have a good day
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